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Zeige Seiten 1 - 3 von 3 Ergebnisse (0 Sekunden)
. Aung San Suu Kyi wieder frei
gegeben. Ein Sprecher der Junta, die das Land seit dem Putsch 1962 mit harter Hand regiert, teilte in Rangun mit, Suu Kyi stehe es "ab heute" (Montag) frei, alle Tätigkeiten auszuüben, die Arbeit in ihrer Partei, der Nationalen Liga für Demokratie (NLD) eingeschlossen. Die Partei bestätigte die Freilassung. In einer weiteren Erklärung der Militärregierung, die wegen ihrer bisherigen Unterdrückung der demokratischen Grundrechte unter starken internationalem Sanktionsdruck steht, hieß es,... [100.00% - 26.9kb]

. u2.com "Flashmob" - Trage die Aung San Suu Kyi-Maske
1990 but the ruling military junta refused to hand over power.  Since that day most of her time has been spent under house arrest.U2 believe the world must not be allowed to forget Aung San Suu Kyi and on the 360 Tour fans are being invited to wear the mask when the band play Walk On, which was written for her.Download your own Mask here - you will need adobe acrobat to print the file. Print it off.Cut it out.Attach some elastic or string to the sides.Try it on for size.(If you're really... [50.00% - 24.6kb]

. Ein offener Brief von Bono und Mitch McConnell
Council, or SPDC, the junta that controls Burma and has even changed its name, calling it Myanmar, is perpetuated by those who look the other way. And on it goes. Last May 30, state agents ambushed Aung San Suu Kyi and fellow democrats in the National League for Democracy, returning her to full imprisonment. She was released to house arrest in September only because of an urgent need for major surgery. Unlike the other 1,500 political prisoners, Aung San Suu Kyi is someone the rulers... [50.00% - 25.2kb]

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