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U2 News » Kurzinterview mit Bono und Edge / Le Parisien Interview

Auf der Webseite von 'United Press International' findet sich zur Veröffentlichung des "Best of 1990-2000" Albums ein kurzes Interview mit Bono und Edge. The Edge spricht auch hier nochmals über die Arbeiten an einem neuen Studio Album: "We'll regroup probably at the end of the year and start trying some things out. Right now my instinct is to make a very raw kind of guitar-bass-drums, an album with a lot of attitude and a lot of that kind of life force, the vitality I association with guitar bands in full flight. That's the way I'm approaching the music initially. But as often happens with U2 albums, you start out with one intention and at a certain point you start to get carried by the music itself, and it can take you somewhere completely different." Für das komplette Interview - hier klicken! Danke an Tom für den Link! Update 4.11.: Heute veröffentlichte die franz. Zeitung 'Le Parisien' ein Interview mit The Edge, unsere Kollegen von u2achtung.com haben es aus dem Französischen ins Englische übersetzt, zum Lesen hier klicken.

'Le Parisien': " U2 touched the caricature! " IN THE FAMILY of the big groups of rock, the Irishman U2 does, with their twenty years of career, almost patriarches' figure. Two years after their album " All that you can' t leave behind ", goes out, today, " The Best and B-sides of 1990-2000 ", a compilation doubles CD which includes their fragments of the last decade, more two unpublished works - " Electrical Storm " and " The Hands that built America " - who will appear on the BO of the film " The Gangs of New York ", realized by Martin Scorsese. Naturally, one finds in this compilation the magnificent ballad " One " but also titles in the more electronic, symbolic colours of training always taken by Paul Hewson alias Bono, the singer specialist of the defence of the big causes. More discreet seemingly, the guitarist Dave Evans, alias The Edge, 41 years, angular stone of the sound of the group, comes back on a decade from U2. How did you select the titles of this compilation? The Edge. That was very difficult. First of all, we listened again everything, without exception. Finally, we tried to choose the fragments which spent the test of time. We did not agree on certain titles and it was necessary a lot to discuss among us. All this happened in a very civilized way, without raising too much the tone. What evokes you this period - 1990-2000 - of U2? It is very varied and very contrasted. It is also a period when we touched the caricature by showing us as a group which wanted to change the world, without any sense of humor. Then, having overturned into the experiment with an album as " Achtung Baby ", we returned to more basic things with " All that you can' t leave behind ". " It is very difficult to find a fresh and original sound, which looks like nothing else " It is also the decade when U2 became a group performing stadiums, with Pharaonic shows... They are only good recollections. I think that with these tours with many decorations and effects, we aimed just on subjects always of current events, as the power of the television or still the globalization. Years ninety were those of the triumph of the image and U2, in my opinion, knew how to be as high as the challenge. They are also the years when the music of the group changed, by adopting rhythms and electronic tones. It is your favorite part of U2's work? We like mixing everything, the organic and the electronics, the acoustics… For me, what counts is not as the used instruments as the quality of the compositions and the inspiration of the interpretation. At the moment, I work on new songs for the U2's next album. It is not very advanced and it is very difficult to find a fresh and original sound, which looks like nothing else. As a matter of fact, you work while Bono makes the tour of the world for his maids oeuvres… He passes all the same regularly in Dublin, in Ireland, and we are going to set to work seriously together this month. But I do not think that this new album goes out before the middle of the next year. Bild aus 'Le parisien'

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