U2: Fez - Being Born

Discographie » Song: "Fez - Being Born"


Song anspielen No Line On The Horizon  Track 8


Der Song wurde noch nicht live gespielt.

Lyrics "Fez - Being Born": Drucker Version

Six o’clock
On the autoroute
Burning rubber, burning chrome
Bay of Cadiz and ferry home
Atlantic sea cut glass
African sun at last

Lights… flash past…
Like memories
A speeding head, a speeding heart
I’m being born, a bleeding start
The engines roar, blood curling wail
Head first then foot
Then heart sets sail

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Lyrics are currently published under a provisional licence granted by Universal Publishing. All lyrics listed on this site are owned by their respected owners. U2 titles published by PolyGram International Music Publishing BV, except: Blue Mountain Music Ltd. (UK), Mother Music (IRL)/Universal Music Publishing Ltd. U2 Recordings owned by Universal International Music B.V. exclusively licensed to: Island Records (Rest Of The World), Interscope Records (USA). Please read: Disclaimer!

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