U2 Bücherecke

U2 Bücher » Cedarwood (English)

Buch: Cedarwood (English)

Cedarwood (English)

  • Autor: Andre Thyret & Melanie Dohle
  • Erscheinungsjahr: 2015
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Format: Paperback
  • Seiten: 24
  • ISBN: 9783000505201

  • Unsere Bewertung:
  • Besucher Wertung: (22 Stimmen)

*Deutsche Version*

Sometimes dreams become reality. Of course often they don’t, there’s always a reason not to follow your teams, and at times we lack courage to go for it. But Andre Thyret and Melanie Dohle had courage, and now the parents of two daughters turned their dream into reality - to create, write and publish a children’s book. Without a big publisher and their promotional machinery that can be difficult. But they stayed the course, and now all of us can spend our evenings reading about Bono and his friends to our little ones. ”Cedarwood“ is the first children’s book inspired by U2!

U2’s fan community is large, and loyal - which gives this book, in English, a pretty strong group of potential customers. It’s also a group of critical customers, because they know the book’s main characters so well. But “Cedarwood“ isn’t a book about U2 for its fans, and it’d be unfair to judge it as such.

Andre Thyret and Melanie Dohle let their passion for U2 become part of the story, and so readers (and their small listeners) will meet familiar characters - Adam, Larry and The Edge play a central role in the book. Its hero, however, is little Bono, who is looking forward to a concert by his favourite band. Little Bono shoulders his guitar, waves good-bye to his parents, and gets on his way to meet his friend Gavin in front of the concert hall to see the band together. On his way, he meets his friends Adam, Larry and The Edge, who are in trouble, and need his help. And Bono wouldn’t be Bono, of course, if he wasn’t going to come to their side. But will he still make it to the concert, and meet his friend Gavin?

U2 fans shouldn’t make the mistake to look for historical inaccuracies in the book. Of course Little Edge already wears his famous hat. It’s his most well known accessory, after all, and a neat way to make it part of the story. Bono similarly wears his famous sunglasses. And a children’s book probably isn’t the place to ask what Little Bono wants to do with his guitar at the concert, or why he’s wearing sunglasses after dark. The story offers children a message that friendships are more important than your own (selfish) interests, using suitably child friendly language which will be fine for even the very little ones. The accompanying pictures are similarly clear and child friendly. All in all, the book is very well done, written and drawn with lots of care and love for detail and colour.

“Cedarwood“ carries the subtitle “A fairy tale of innocence”, as one would hope for a good children’s story. But the story’s message works just as well for grown ups, in a time where friendship and humanity are in ever greater need. Language, paintings and colours are of course aimed at children, but those of us who have kept some of their childhood alive inside will enjoy the book just as much, and enjoy taking it off the shelf to read to the kids. U2 fans get double the enjoyment, from a book about their favourite band and the significance that “Cedarwood” had for Bono, but of course the book works just as well for those not besotted with the Irish band.

For U2 fans with children “Cedarwood” is a must, and all those still young inside will enjoy it just as much. A purchase of the book will also support (RED), the charity co-founded by Bono. A limited hardcover edition includes eight bonus pages of illustrations of Bono, Edge, Larry and Adam, as well as a poem and children’s song. The material and production is very well done. But also the softcover edition is surprisingly big, and given its low price just as recommended.

Rezensent: Torsten Schlimbach & Malte Gerhold


(6)   Ein absolutes Muss!
(5)   Sollte man als großer Fan gelesen haben.
(4)   Eine der besseren Veröffentlichungen.
(3)   Ganz OK, aber mit einigen Schwächen.
(2)   Wirklich kein Muss, aber mit netten Fotos.
(1)   Braucht kein Mensch.

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