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. World Festival Of Humanity
» World Festival Of Humanity 07.01.2004 World Festival Of Humanity Diverse Medien haben am Dienstag berichtet, dass für den Herbst 2004 ein neues Benefizkonzert geplant ist, das alle bisherigen Rekorde übertreffen soll. Das Projekt trägt den Namen 'World Festival Of Humanity' und soll am 18. und 19. September in mindestens 6 verschiedenen Städten auf der ganzen... [100.00% - 22.3kb]

. Hard Rock Signature Series T-Shirt mit U2 ab 11. Februar in Deutschland - U2t...
und den Worten Justice, Humanity und Equality. Auf der Rückseite finden sich die Unterschriften von U2. In Zusammenarbeit mit den Hard Rock Cafes Deutschland verlosen wir drei exklusive Vorabexemplare (1xS, 2xM - ohne Städtenamen!) - d.h. echte Raritäten. Um am Gewinnspiel teil zu nehmen, müsst ihr eine ganz einfache Frage beantworten: Wann und wo wurde das erste Hard Rock Cafe eröffnet? Die Lösung bitte per Mail an [email protected] schicken. Einsendeschluss ist... [7.14% - 25.1kb]

. U2 Buch: Cedarwood (English) - Andre Thyret & Melanie Dohle
a time where friendship and humanity are in ever greater need. Language, paintings and colours are of course aimed at children, but those of us who have kept some of their childhood alive inside will enjoy the book just as much, and enjoy taking it off the shelf to read to the kids. U2 fans get double the enjoyment, from a book about their favourite band and the significance that “Cedarwood” had for Bono, but of course the book works just as well for those not besotted with the Irish... [3.57% - 18.1kb]

. Neues Hard Rock Signature Series T-Shirt mit U2
und den Worten Justice, Humanity und Equality. Auf der Rückseite finden sich die Unterschriften von U2. The Edge wird wie folgt zitiert: "I hope this T-shirt generates loads of cash for Amnesty International and their tireless work towards the release of prisoners of conscience all around the world. Plus there's a guitar on it - so it's a win-win as far as I'm concerned.". Das T-Shirt gibt es bereits online hier sowie in den Hard Rock Cafes in New York, London und Dublin zu kaufen,... [3.57% - 20.2kb]

. Bono zu Gast bei CNN's Larry King - Transcript
up with this abuse of our humanity. We really don't. This is the 21st century. This is America. This is LARRY KING LIVE. KING: Bobby, according to America's research group, 23-to-28 percent of shoppers respond to campaigns that direct a part of the purchasing dollars to a cause. Do you consider that high? SHRIVER: I consider it a number that's going to grow. And I just want to say, Larry, on the corporate America point, you know, we always considered ourselves as having clients. So when... [3.57% - 58.0kb]

. Grammy Interview
they've lost their humanity, and I don't believe that's happening. People change the channel because they feel impotent and unable to affect change. So what's the point in reminding yourself of what you're not doing? Our message is exactly the opposite. You really can change things. And by the way, we're not asking for your money. We think you've given already. We're asking you to give the president of the United States and the prime minister of England your permission to spend your... [3.57% - 41.1kb]

. Hall Of Fame Clip und Berichte
band stakes its claim to its humanity and declares its commonality with us. Now Bono’s voice often sounds like it's shouting not over top of the band but from deep within it: "Here we are, Lord, this mess, in your image." He delivers all of this with great drama and an occasional smirk that says, “Kiss me, I’m Irish.” He’s one of the great front-men of the past 20 years. He is also one of the only musicians to devote his personal faith and the ideals of his band into the real world in a way... [3.57% - 45.5kb]

. Januar 2004 - / - Seite 1
07. Jan World Festival Of Humanity 04. Jan LMC vs. U2: Take Me To The Clouds Above 03. Jan Das ultimative Song Voting 02. Jan Anton Corbijn über das Photoshooting mit U2 02. Jan Rockstar des Jahres 2003 02. Jan "Mysterious Ways" Spincam Video ... [3.57% - 18.3kb]

. 46664 (Long Walk To Freedom) - U2 Songtexte - Lyrics - U2 Discographie
human core In townships of humanity there would be no poor From where the rock is heavy comes the purest ore At first six waves might break in the bay, the seventh breaks on the shore It's a long road to freedom It's a long road to freedom It's a long road to freedom It's a long road to freedom 4-6-6 6-4 4-6-6 6-4 4-6-6 6-4 4-6-6 6-4 4-6-6 6-4 4-6-6 6-4 Alle Songs mit diesem Icon können mit dem RealPlayer (Infos+Download) angespielt werden. Die... [3.13% - 16.8kb]

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