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Zeige Seiten 101 - 110 von 208 Ergebnisse (0 Sekunden)
. 10 Fragen an The Edge
co-founder of Music Rising, he has taken a lead role in getting New Orleans musicians back on their feet. TIME's Josh Tyrangiel spoke with the Edge about the beginnings of U2's next album, a couple of songs he wishes his band had written, and what it was like to be a young man with a large head. You're speaking from a London recording studio. Does that mean there's a new U2 album around the bend? Noooo. Nowhere near. We're here with [producer] Rick Rubin and enjoying the chemistry, but... [11.35% - 26.0kb]

. Wird es in kurzer Zeit zwei neue Alben geben?
for, ‘Well, we can go anywhere.’ Which has always been the throw-down at any U2 show. ‘Where do you want to go?’ You can stay in the stadium if you want, or we can go to this other place where the streets have no name. We can go to this other place, the place of imagination, the place of soul, the place of possibility, and we can just get lost in it. And a great show, when that happens, people don’t know where they are, I don’t know where I am. And that’s what I think it stands for.”U2... [11.35% - 28.9kb]

. U2 perfomen 'One' und 'Pride' bei den Special Olympics
haben One und Pride (In The Name Of Love) live bei den 'Special Olympics' performt. 'One' wurde untermalt mit Streichern und Chor und von Bono (wie schon bei Pavarotti & Friends) mit der Zeile "...It's no them, there's only us..." ergänzt. Die beeindruckende Performance von 'Pride (In The Name Of Love)' wurde mit einer Text-Erweiterung "In the evening June 21., Croke Park, longest day, Nelson Mandela come to town...we got to listen to what he might say..." abgerundet. Am Ende von... [11.35% - 24.6kb]

. Teaser zu "Invisible"
neuen Albums ("We have another song we're excited about to kick off the album," he says. "This is just sort of a sneak preview - to remind people we exist."). Man habe diesen Song ausgewählt, weil es der erste sei, der fertig ist. Laut dem Artikel soll der Song auch nach dem kostenlosen Download-Angebot (siehe News ) auf iTunes nicht mehr verfügbar sein.Weiterhin ist anscheinend offen, wann das neue Album erscheint (The band has "lots and lots of songs" compiled, he adds, but will continue... [11.35% - 23.2kb]

. Von 1861 bis 2002 in knapp 5min - U2 machens möglich!,...
zu ihrer Nominierung von " The Hands That Built America " für einen Oscar zu Wort. So meinte Edge, nachdem er von der Nominierung erfuhr: " This is the first Oscar nomination for us. Really the exciting thing for me is the fact that I'm going to get all the free movies now. " Bono berichtete zudem nochmals von den Anforderungen an den Song die Martin Scorsese stellte: " It's exacting working with Marty, he didn't want Pop or Rock just stuck on the end of the movie. he wanted the song to come... [11.35% - 24.3kb]

. Bono wird auf G8-Gipfel erwartet
Bonos Einsatz, aber stehen dem auch kritisch gegenüber. Cockburn: "If he (Bono, pers. Anmerkung) can make it work, more power to him, but I personally wonder about the value in what he's doing. he's a photo op to (the G-8 leaders). he's giving them credibility, and that's the tradeoff...They'll talk a good game, but whether or not they do anything is another question." Biafra: "I feel far more frightened of the Bush administration than I do of Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and big bad... [11.35% - 25.5kb]

. Bono bei USA Today auf Platz 6 der Menschen 2004
Today auf Platz 6 der Menschen 2004 23.12.2004 Bono bei USA Today auf Platz 6 der Menschen 2004 Whitney Matheson hat für USA Today die 'Top 100 People of 2004' zusammengestellt. Bono hat sie mit den Worten "This year he wanted to save and rock the world. And, boy, isn’t it refreshing to see them playing live on all the talk shows instead of using those suspicious... [11.35% - 20.9kb]

. CNN "People in the news" mit Bono, U2 Vertig...
» CNN "People in the news" mit Bono CNN strahlt nun auch in Europa "People in the News" mit Bono aus. heute nachmittag um 14:30 wurde die Aufzeichnung auf CNN Europa gezeigt. Eine Wiederholung gibt es morgen (24.02.2002) von 12:30 bis 13:00 auf CNN. Hier die Information zu dieser Sendung " Bono is not your average rock star. he is just as comfortable meeting with the pope or world leaders to lobby for social causes as he is being the lead singer for U2, the enduringly... [11.35% - 24.6kb]

. An einem Sonntag in Seoul
Meldungen · Volltextsuche / Archiv · U2 Newsletter Archiv News Bereiche: · Allgemeine News · Beyond The Edge · Elevation Tour · HTDAAB Album · Tour 2002 · Tour Gerüchte · U2 Releases · U2 Tickets · U2 Vertigo Tour · U2tour.de Intern U2 Newsletter · Abo bestellen · Newsletter Archiv « zurück | weiter » An einem Sonntag in Seoul Letzten Sonntag kam das dicke Ende für Irland bei der Fußball WM. Aber auch wenn sie im Viertelfinale ausgeschieden sind, um auf andere Gedanken... [11.35% - 25.0kb]

. Neues U2 Album rückt immer näher
new album in Ireland, which they hope to finish recording this year. Frontman Bono recently described the band's new songs in the New York Times as "very visceral...very direct." Guitarist the Edge says he's looking forward to experimenting with new guitar sounds in the studio. "My guitar playing has been fairly minimalist over the years; I like to try and make as few notes as I can get away with," he explains, adding that now he wants to "create as big an effect as I can, to really explore... [11.35% - 22.9kb]

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