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Einmal live erleben

 Honey  16.08.2002 um 17:22
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In der September Ausgabe stellt uns das 'Q-Magazine' The 50 Bands You Must See Before You Die! vor. Darunter befinden sich, neben Primal Scream, Radiohead, The Strokes, The Rolling Stones usw., natürlich auch U2. "'2001's Elevation tour subverted the pomp and spectacle of previous U2 jaunts, leading to their most exciting shows yet. Still playing cattle-shed style arenas, they now arrived onstage with the house lights up, not dropping them until halfway into the opening number. The message was clear: Look, we can make this work even with the lights on."

September 2002 - The 50 Bands You Must See Before You Die! From The Hives to Oasis, The Strokes to Slipknot, Q has been to the bar, secured a spot down the front and mused on the 50 acts that you should really see live. Be it the lo-fi charm of The White Stripes, the stupidly expensive pyrotechnics of The Rolling Stones, or the ludicrously expensive giant lemons of U2, there are specific reasons why you should stand in a muddy field / empty hall / pool of beer to view these bands. Find out what they are…. ©Q-Magazine

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