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DATA steht für Debt, Aids and Trade for Africa und gleichzeitig für: Democracy, Accountability and Transparency. Eine Organisation, die sich dem Schuldenerlass, der Entwicklungshilfe, der Bekämfung von Aids/HIV und dem Wirtschaftswachstum in Afrika widmet. Afrika ist der ärmsten Kontinent der Erde, über 50 Mio. Kinder besuchen nicht die Grundschule, alle 25 Sekunden wird in Afrika jemand mit HIV infiziert! Über diese Tatsachen sollte sich jeder Gedanken machen, und handeln. Nur so kann man Politiker überzeugen der extremen Armut und der unzureichenden medizinischen Versorgung in Afrika ein Ende zu setzen. DATA wendet sich nicht nur an Politiker, Aktivisten und öffentliche Personen, sondern ein jeder kann mithelfen. Bono ist der Mitbegründer der DATA-Initiative. Er hat ein dreiminütiges Video, in einem Hotelzimmer in London, aufgenommen, dass im Rahmen verschiedener Festivals, des christlichen Musiklabels 'Gotee', eingespielt wurde. Er wird von diversen Künstlern dieses Labels unterstützt. In dem Video weist er eingängig, mit Hilfe von Bibelzitaten und Fachwissen, auf die Mißstände in Afrika hin. Video-Link über @u2.com (Danke an Lori)

Auszug aus dem Video: A message from U2´s Bono Bono: [...]"25 million people in Africa are HIV positive...13 million children are orphaned because their parents died from Aids...if this isn´t an emergency, what is? We suppose to love our neighbour...the Bible tolds us to love our neighbour...we really are not...Africa is America´s neighbour, Africa is Europe´s neighbour...There is a growing movement for Jubilee in the United States, we do need to drop the depts and end the ridiculous situation"[...] About DATA DATA is a new non-profit organization which aims to raise awareness about the crisis of unpayable DEBTS, the urgent need for more and better foreign development assistance, especially to fight AIDS, and the unfair TRADE rules which keep AFRICA poor and marginalized. DATA will work with existing organizations and coalitions working on these issues. DATA believes that a package of more enlightened assistance for Africa along these lines is an important strategy for tackling poverty and strengthening DEMOCRACY, ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY in Africa. We have to act urgently, creatively and together to stop the spread of AIDS and extreme poverty in Africa. Politicians say they want to do more to help the world's poor but they cannot – because they say they do not hear about this issue from taxpayers, voters and consumers in developed countries. We have to show the politicians that people do care. ©DATA BONO WELCOMES GOTEE ACTS IN AIDS AND POVERTY CAUSE July 19, 2002 Several Christian artists are joining U2 front man Bono in his international effort to fight AIDS and poverty in Africa. Gotee acts Jennifer Knapp, Out of Eden, Relient K, GRITS, Jeff Deyo and John Reuben are joining Michael W. Smith, Margaret Becker, Third Day, Sixpence None the Richer, dc Talk, Jars of Clay, the Newsboys and others who have begun showcasing a three-minute video appeal from Bono during this summer's festivals. In his cameo the Irish singer cites the 2,300 verses in the Bible which focus on the poor and asks audiences to respond to the profound need in Africa. This multi-artist partnership was initiated a few months ago when Gotee's publicity manager, Jay Swartzendruber, teamed with his mentor Charlie Peacock to write a proposal for Bono's initiative called DATA -- Debt Aids and Trade for Africa. Soon the brilliant mind and heart of Steve Taylor joined the mix and the rest is becoming history. More than 15 Christian artists have chosen to endorse DATA's initiative. While concert goers are being asked to provide their name and email address to receive DATA's strategic initiatives, many of the artists are also recommending other immediate ways fans can respond to Africa. For more information visit datadata.org. ©Gotee Records

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