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Von 1861 bis 2002 in knapp 5min - U2 machens möglich!

Bono und Edge meldeten sich nun nochmals zu ihrer Nominierung von "The Hands That Built America" für einen Oscar zu Wort. So meinte Edge, nachdem er von der Nominierung erfuhr: "This is the first Oscar nomination for us. Really the exciting thing for me is the fact that I'm going to get all the free movies now." Bono berichtete zudem nochmals von den Anforderungen an den Song die Martin Scorsese stellte: "It's exacting working with Marty, he didn't want Pop or Rock just stuck on the end of the movie. He wanted the song to come out of the story and the characters ... oh yeah, and it had to begin in 1861 and end in 2002!"

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