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Bericht und Bilder des Duetts 'The Edge' & 'Wyclef Jean'

Wie schon am Montag versprochen (Newsmeldung dazu) gibt es nun ein paar Bilder vom Duett 'The Edge' und 'Wyclef Jean', bei dem die beiden With or without you' und 'Knockin On Heavens Door' gespielt haben. Den Konzertbericht gibt es auf den Seiten von zu lesen. Oder auch einfach bei uns lesen (mit allen Bildern) und hier klicken. Anzumerken ist auch, dass dieser Gig im TV kommt; und zwar auf TV3 den nächsten Sonntag 24. November um 22.55Uhr. Wie so viele internationale Broadcasts wird es sicher auch diesen baldigst zum Tausch geben, dazu einfach mal einen Blick in unser U2-Forum in die Kategorie 'U2 Trading' werfen.

Photos © Witnness Sunday November 17 2002. Make a note of it people, because it’s going down in history as the date when Witnness and Dublin established themselves proper on the hip-hop map. Man what a night it was, and we can easily say that this was the best of all the Witnness gigs to date. Big shouts out to Creative Controle and Stevie G who set pulses racing and raised the stakes for Mr Jean, who did not fail to blow us all away with his Refugee stylee. And if that wasn’t enough, the night’s biggest secret saw Wyclef perform with The Edge on stage. Together they rocked through a medley of U2 classics, and a dub version ‘Knocking on Heaven’s Door’. Seriously if you didn’t make the gig, you have to tune into TV3 next Sunday 24th November at 10.55pm to see what happened. Don’t take our word for it, check it out yourself. Anyway here’s our minute by minute walk through (or what we can remember of it) of Sunday night. Queuing to get into the Ambassador, the crowd was looking pretty bling-bling (well, as bling-bling as we could considering that temperature dictated wearing a parka). There was definitely a bit of a buzz in the air - Wyclef Jean was in the house and you could bet your low-slung jeans, it was going to be one mutha of a gig. If Dublin is the new East Coast, isn’t Corkman Stevie G throwing a spanner in the geographical works by championing the Leeside cause? One of the finer R ‘n’ B/hip hop DJs in the country, he set about warming the crowd up with admirable skill, dispensing the rough with the smooth, throwing out glistening morsels, from Aaliyah, and Busta Rhymes, and getting our hips swaying to "Everyday People". Setting the stage for the Amadeus of hip hop might be a daunting task but Mr G delivers an impeccable set and takes some of the November chill out of the crowd. Big thanks to Stevie from Witnness. Next up was Dublin outfit Creative Controle, who bowled onto the stage with a potent mix of enthusiasm and belligerence. Judging by tonight’s performance, all the positive press they’ve been receiving of late is quite justified. Messiah J is an already masterful MC, aided and abetted by The Expert, DJ Flip, KY and bassist Paul Dunne. Rhymes, beats, anger and intensity - it’s all there, marking them out as Dublin’s finest hip hop offering, but equally as definite contenders on the international scene. They’re not polished by any means but it’s the very rawness of their sound that makes for compelling listening. They finish on the excellent "Bloodrush" - a tune that reverberates to the core - and it seems as if they’d only started their set a nanosecond ago. Expect great things from their debut album. At approximately twenty minutes past nine, enter the Wyclef. The crowd, naturally, go ballistic. "DUBLIN, CAN YOU HEAR ME?" he bellows. The town of Navan can probably hear his aural assault as he launches into "No Woman, No Cry", an appropriate choice for the man oft touted as the next Bob Marley. For the first time that evening, the punters relax properly; secure in the knowledge that everything really is going to be all right. He’s many things - producer, rapper, composer, love god - but Wyclef Jean is a showman first and foremost. He plays the audience as well as his guitar, mischievously thanking us all for "giving me my bling-blings tonight". What then follows is a right rollicking gig. This night, he may have been preaching to the converted, but even hardened old hacks were soon involuntarily shaking their thangs at the sheer exuberance of it all. Rapping in Japanese and German, he ups the ante with an inspired version of "Jump Around". As we are soon to learn, Clef’s set is anything but predictable. We’re as likely to get "Two Wrongs" from his latest album, Masquerade, as something from The Score. The man is a sound Viking, pillaging, looting and merrily fornicating with all musical genres and mixing it together with buckets of wit, talent and charisma instead. Classic anthems like "Fu-Gee-La" and "Ready Or Not" are as thrilling as ever, and we don’t miss the presence of a Lauryn or Pras. "Gone ‘Till November" meanwhile, is a slightly jazzier interpretation of the ballad, but still retains its pathos. The sense of timing is immaculate, and for every ho-happy "Perfect Gentleman", there’s a poignant ‘Diallo’ to temper things. Early on in the gig, Wyclef’s proved to us how much Brooklyn and Ireland (and more specifically, Wyclef and Bono) have in common by treating us to some "Sunday Bloody Sunday" riffs. But further, entirely unsuspected delights lie in store. Apparently, there is a Mr. Dave Evans in the house. He’s here as Witnness’ guest and not in any kind of professional capacity. Wyclef says that although he has not discussed this with the Edge, it would be his dream come true if the Edge were to come on stage and perform with him... "Go on the Edge", the crowd urges as all eyes turn towards him. A few minutes later, and nobody can quite believe it - the Edge has joined Wyclef and they’re making the most beautiful guitar noises the world has ever heard. It’s amazing. For fifteen solid minutes, Wyclef and the Edge wield their instruments, playing classic U2 and they’re enjoying it more than the audience is. Musical event of the year? Do you even need to ask that question? There’s no stopping him after this. Wyclef is a powerhouse of rap and rhyme, buzzing off the crowd, getting acquainted with ‘the black stuff’ and making sure those on the balcony weren’t feeling neglected by paying them a little visit. He also lives up to his reputation as a laydeez man - one young lass certainly got her money’s worth when she became the lucky recipient of a special Wyclef dance. He even creates an on-the-spot ode to his newfound favourite drink, Black Velvet (champagne topped with Guinness). The crowd wanted it to go on forever, and for a while, it looked like he would oblige. But master showman that he is, he knows when to whip us into a frenzy and when to pull the plug. It was probably a good thing too - we might have died of over-excitement otherwise. The gig of the year (and no arguing with that please) is over and a few hours of booty shaking has left the crowd looking slightly less bling-bling than when they arrived. But, as one who knows might say, it doesn’t matter. For those few hours on Sunday, November 17, 2002, there was no East Coast, no West Coast, no P Diddy, Snoop or any equivalent. There was only Wyclef Jean lording it over the hip hop capital of the world, Dublin. And we were there to witnness it.

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