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GA-Rules von veröffentlicht

Lange gab es Rätselraten, wie U2 bei der heute beginnenden Tour den Einlass für die Inhaber von Innenraumtickets regeln will - und auch lange machte ein Riesengeheimnis aus der Geschichte. Es gab Gerüchte über Verlosungen der Front Of Stage-Plätze, Roll Calls und was man sich sonst noch an Einlassverfahren vorstellen kann. Nun hat in seinem Forum bekanntgeben, wie die Sache ablaufen soll. Um es ganz kurz zu fassen: Es wird auch diesmal beim first come first served-Verfahren bleiben. Eventuell wird das im Laufe der Tour nochmal geändert oder optimiert, aber mal ehrlich: Wir glauben nicht an Änderungen. Die kompletten Regeln:

Here is a basic guideline of what the U2 360° Tour has planned for the General Admission/Field Entrance Procedures. Please check for any updates as we fine tune these details once we start our tour. * For safety reasons, The U2 360° Tour, along with the stadiums, will not permit any overnight camping or lines on venue property. This includes parking lots and streets surrounding the venue. All gates and entrances to these points will be closed. * We plan on allowing General Admission/Field patrons to begin queuing at the venue entrances between 9:00am - 12pm on SHOW DAYS. This time will be based on local authority's regulations. We will try to post these times on the website once we get this information. * Local and tour security staff will assist patrons with field/pitch tickets to the general queuing line, which should be one centralized location.The U2 360° Tour will not have any responsibility if field/pitch ticket holders "police" themselves with the use of a numbering system. * We will only recognize the "first come first serve" system based upon actual entry at gates at the specified time. * We have requested that the venues provide port-o-lets if no exterior restroom facilities are available. * Other amenities (for example misting stations and concessions) will be available ONLY at venues where space and permits allow. * Items such as banners or flags on sticks, coolers, bottles, cans, umbrellas, portable chairs or electronics (other than mobile phones and point and shoot cameras) will be not be allowed in the stadium, so please make arrangements to store these items prior to your entry into the stadium. * Once the general admission gates open, the U2 Tour Staff with assistance from local authorities will supervise the filling of the "inner circle" * We ask that these ticket holders proceed in an orderly fashion as to not risk injury to one's self or others. Once the inner circle has reached capacity, the remaining ticket holders will be allowed to fill in on the general field/pitch area.Patrons that gained entrance to the "inner circle" will be either wrist banded or stamped upon their exit from that area. It is important that all patrons keep their tickets in their possession as they may be asked for both forms of proof. The U2.Com Team

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