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Thank you, Germany! Photos, Video und Rede von Bono beim Echo Award

Gestern Abend erhielt Bono in Berlin den Echo für sein globales Engagement. Wir haben für Euch einige Photos von Bono in Berlin und das Transcript seiner Rede. Außerdem findet Ihr bei den TV-Ausschnitt von Bono's Auftritt

Rede von Bono (sinngemäß, basierend auf der Veröffentlichung von "Dankeschön. I have an Echo. Ich habe ein Echo. You've givin' me an Echo, to thank me for something that I didn’t do - something that you did - something that started in Germany eight years ago, in Cologne, when people who normally don’t stand together, stood together for the world’s poor. It’s true, it was at the G8 meeting in Cologne in 1999 - Stammtischler hanging out with Akademikern, punk rockers hanging out with priests, seriously ... Die Toten Hosen and Radiohead linked arms with church people, the holy father John Paul wore my sunglasses - amazing things were happening. People came from all over Germany to link arms and made a chain around the city to break the chains of poverty in Africa. That's where it started. And I hear an other echo. Ich höre ein Echo. I hear an other echo of the voices of 20 million African children who are now in school because of this, because of you. 20 million African children in school because of you. And I come to Germany to thank you for that. Thank you, Germany. Now - the G8 are coming back to Germany - Heiligendamm - I hear it is a nice place, by the sea, myself and the great Herbert Grönemeyer are going there on our holidays. We need to hear your voices again, louder than before. I want to hear you raise your voices, Deine Stimme, Deine Stimme gegen Armut - lauter, lauter. Scream like it is a Tokio Hotel concert - Deine Stimme - Deine Stimme gegen Armut! Raise your voices. Wear your white wristbands, so loud that even Chancellor Merkel can hear your voice, she wants to do this. So Minister Steinbrück can hear your voice, he wants to do this. Raise your voices! Germany, I'm proud, proud, proud of what you started. Ich bin stolz darauf. Thank you. God bless you."

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