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Weitere Tourproben - Spoiler

Am 18. März hat ein Fan die Tourproben ausserhalb der Halle mitverfolgt. Dabei sollen(!) folgende Songs geprobt worden sein - Achtung Spoiler! Wie immer gilt: Wir können das von unserer Seite aus nicht bestätigen, believe what you want.

von IF: *5:45pm Stuck In a Moment (very loose rehearsal - no vox) Elevation (full band - trying out sounds/arrangment) Band stopped. I left. *8:00pm Unknown (loose jamming with Edge trying out sounds etc.) barely audible outside venue. I left once again. *10:00pm One Step Closer Electric Co. (full version 5-6mins) An Cat Dubh (full version 5-6m) Beautiful Day Miracle Drug Sometimes You Can't Make it On Your Own (with Scott Walker outro - like SNL) Love and Peace or Else Elevation (live 'woos') (band fooled around with intro) Stuck in a Moment (Bono and Edge keys only) Yahweh (very rough version Bono and Edge guitar only) One Where the Streets Have No Name Gloria Running to Stand Still (full version - Edge piano, no harmonica) Zoo Station (with weird voiceover intro) Vertigo (w/ Stories For Boys verse and 4-5sec gaps before each chorus)(tonight was very fast and ragged, it must have been a long day) All Because of You Sunday, Bloody Sunday (full band - original key, stopped after 2 lines - several more attempts with changes) 40 Many thanks to U2FanPeter!

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