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Die Zeitung The Mirror hat erste Informationen zur Bühnengestaltung und zum generellen Umfang der Vertigo Tour herausfinden können. Demnach soll die Tour im Gegensatz zur Elevation Tour wieder verstärkt auch auf visuelle und Special-Effects setzen. Alleine 5 Videoscreens sind eingeplant, 3.000 Scheinwerfer sollen die Band ins rechte Licht setzen. Kein Wunder also, dass auch die Kosten gigantisch sind: rund eine Million Euro wird die Show jede Nacht kosten. Lest den kompletten Artikel jetzt bei uns

The Mirror 16th February 2005 THE BIGGEST THING; U2 AIMING FOR A NEW HIGH IN VERTIGO TOUR by PAUL MARTIN TODAY I can reveal the secrets of U2's amazing new tour which will take the world by storm. The band are set to put on their most explosive shows ever which will cost over EUR 1 million a night to stage. A top Vertigo tour insider told me they are planning their most elaborate stage design to date. He said: "There is going to be a total of over 3,000 lights, their biggest sound system and five video screens. "On top of that there will be special effects which top magicians are being brought in to choreograph. "This is the biggest show that a rock band have ever taken on the road - the costs involved are huge. "We're talking about EUR1million a night between the actual stage effects, electricity and road staff. "There will be 120 road crew who come on tour and set it all up at each venue. "On top of that there will be a personal assistant for each member of the band, a top team of accountants, a wardrobe consultant and two press officers." The show will be a stark contrast to their Elevation world tour four years ago when they got back to basics. They played more intimate arenas and stripped down the effects and stage design to more modest levels. The band have sold out two nights at Croke Park in June and are being tipped to add a third. The source added: "The rehearsals for the tour are going well. It's going to be a visual musical feast which sets new standards." (c) MGN Ltd. 2005

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