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Dr. Paul David Hewson - Ehrendoktor für Bono

Das 'Trinity College Dublin' hat am Freitag (11.07.2003) Bono den Ehrentitel LL.D. Doctor in Laws verliehen. In der Zeremonie wurden noch vier weitere Kandidaten ausgezeichnet, darunter auch der Präsident des Europäischen Parlaments Pat Cox und die Schauspielerin Dame Judi Dench. Bono, der sich sehr geehrt fühlte und stolz war diesen Titel entgegenzunehmen, antwortete dem 'Irish Examiner': "My head has swollen such is the treatment I have got from the college..." Bono hat diese Ehrung durch das Trinity College in Anbetracht seiner unermüdlichen Dienste und seines langjährigen Engagements für die 'Drop the Dept' Kampagne und als Mitbegründer der Organisation 'DATA' erhalten. Wir gratulieren!

Lead Singer of U2 and President of the European Parliament Among Leading Figures to Receive Honorary Degrees at Trinity College Dublin Mr. Paul Hewson (Bono), lead singer of U2 and campaigner for humanitarian rights in the developing world, and Mr. Pat Cox, President of the European Parliament, were among five recipients to receive an Honorary Degree from the University of Dublin (Trinity College) today, Friday 11 July. · Mr. Paul Hewson (Bono) LL.D. (Doctor in Laws) Lead singer of internationally acclaimed rock group, U2, Bono is an outspoken fundraiser for Third World problems. Founder of DATA (Debt, Aid, Trade for Africa), a non-profit debt-relief advocacy group, he has been instrumental in the Drop the Dept campaign which wiped out millions of dollars of international debt owed by Third World governments. He has lobbied world leaders to encourage them to contribute more aid relief to developing countries. He has been nominated for the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize. ©Trinity College Dublin Foto: ©Irish Examiner

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