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. Bonos Berlin-Rede und Bonos Autogramm
not to. The war against terror is bound up in the war against poverty. I didn't say that, Colin Powell said that, and when a military man says that military might alone is not enough to win the war against terror, we should take notice. We know that poverty breeds despair; and despair breeds violence. But in turbulent times it's cheaper, and smarter, to make friends out of potential enemies than to defend yourself against them. A better world happens to be a safer one as well. That's a... [100.00% - 42.6kb]

. Bono hält heute Rede bei der Labour Party Conference
strategy. The war against terror is bound up in the war against poverty, I didn't say that, Colin Powell said that. And when a military man from the right starts talking like that maybe we should listen! Because maybe, today, these are one and the same. People get nervous when I talk like this. I get nervous when I talk like this. But in these distressing and disturbing times, surely it's cheaper, and smarter, to make friends out of potential enemies than it is to defend yourself against... [100.00% - 36.7kb]

. The Mother Of God - U2 Songtexte - Lyrics - U2 Discographie
of God The three-fold terror of love; a fallen flare Through the hollow of an ear; Wings beating about the room; The terror of all terrors that I bore The Heavens in my womb. Had I not found content among the shows Every common woman knows. Chimney corner, garden walk, Or rocky cistern where we tread the clothes And gather all the talk? What is this flesh I purchased with my pains, This fallen stars my milk sustains, This love that makes my heart's blood stop Or... [58.33% - 15.3kb]

. U2 Biographie: Bono - Paul David Hewson
To Stand Still ) oder Terror (Sunday Bloody Sunday ). Immer öfter benutzt Bono Konzerte, um aktuelle Themen zu fokusieren, so z. B. die Ansprache über das Bombenattentat in Enniskillen im Film Rattle And Hum . Wie Edge arbeitet auch Bono gerne und oft mit anderen Musikern zusammen und darf sogar mit Frank Sinatra, einem seiner Helden, 1993 das Duett I've Got You Under My Skin aufnehmen. Er ist gemeinsam mit Adam an den Aufnahmen zu Do They Know It's Christmas? von Band Aid... [33.33% - 27.2kb]

. U2 History 2017 - Bandgeschichte
nicht nur der Bekämpfung des Terrors zu widmen, sondern Länder wirtschaftlich zu unterstützen, um dem Terror seinen Nährboden zu entziehen. 21.02.2017 U2 zieren das Cover der britischen Musikzeitschrift MOJO, ein Artikel widmet sich U2s Meisterwerk The Joshua Tree und der gleichnamigen Tour. Der Ausgabe liegt eine CD mit dem Titel "Desert Songs" bei. Der Artikel verrät, dass im selben Jahr ein neuer Mix von "Red Hill Mining Town" erscheinen soll. Als Veröffentlichungsdatum für das neue... [33.33% - 33.2kb]

. Bono zu Gast bei CNN's Larry King - Transcript
in Africa in the war against terror. You know, there's, you know, it's 40 percent Muslim. It's a giant continent and they like Americans. They like Irish people. And let's be with them in their moment of need. And, you know, what Bobby was saying there about, you know, it's not American, well as an Irish person let me just tell you for a second what I think of America. You know, America's not just a country. It's an idea that strikes me and that idea is somehow bound up in the idea of... [33.33% - 58.0kb]

. Grammy Interview
resonance after the terror attacks, especially in the context of the Elevation Tour. How did you finesse the delicate dance between tragedy and entertainment? I often feel we may have Tourette's Syndrome. The thing you're not supposed to do is the very thing we'll do. A lot of people cancelled their tours after Sept. 11. We came in. I wanted to put the names [on an overhead screen] of those who lost their lives to make the point that they were people, not statistics. People said, you... [33.33% - 41.1kb]

. Interview von Noreena Hertz mit Bono
mit ihren Kriegen und dem Terror. Wir müssen zeigen, dass wir keine Leute sind, die sich hinter Büschen verstecken. Wir sind auch nicht die Menschen im Sand, die auf andere schießen. Wir müssen beweisen, dass wir menschliches Leben und Leid ernst nehmen, dass wir Werte haben. Das ist also die Botschaft, die Sie für die Mächtigen in der Welt haben. Ich vermute, Sie können mittlerweile jeden treffen, den Sie treffen möchten. Bono Vox: Kommt ganz darauf an. Leute wie Blair, Chirac und Bush... [33.33% - 25.7kb]

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