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. Los Angeles zum Ersten
von Jim O' Rourkes Cover Women Of The World mit. Zusammen mit Edge und dem Publikum hatte er den Song bereits am Tag zuvor in der Ellen DeGeneres Show performed . Für die zukünftigen Shows können die Fans Teil eines gemeinsamen Chores werden, indem sie sich selbst beim Singen aufzeichnen und die Aufnahme mit dem Hashtag #Womenoftheworldtakeover in den sozialen Medien posten. Alle Informationen hierzu findet Ihr auf u2.com . Dort werden die in Los Angeles anwesenden Fans vorsichtshalber... [100.00% - 22.2kb]

. Bono The Ultimate Ubersexual
(e.g., disrespect toward women, emotional emptiness, complete ignorance of anything cultural outside of sports, beer, burgers, and athletic shoes). Marian Salzman, Executive Vice President, Director of Strategic Content, JWT Worldwide, points to ubersexuals in her new book, The Future of Men, as a significant segment of the young male demographic that advertisers and marketers too often overlook. The media are so busy portraying men as womanizers, wimps, or clueless oafs constantly looking... [100.00% - 30.7kb]

. Wissenswertes über Ali Hewson
http://www.guardian.co.uk/women/story/0... | 24 Apr 2002 @ 23:54 von Honey | Allgemeine News | Kommentar ? News melden: Webformular Archiv: 2007 Juni 2007 Mai 2007 April 2007 März 2007 Februar 2007 Januar 2006 Dezember 2006 November 2006 Oktober 2006 September 2006 August 2006 Juli 2006 Juni :: News Archiv Rubrik: Allgemeine News Beyond The Edge Elevation Tour HTDAAB Album Tour 2002 Tour Gerüchte U2 Releases U2 Tickets U2 Vertigo Tour U2tour.de Intern U2 Kalender: Monatsübersicht... [56.90% - 25.6kb]

. Hall Of Fame Clip und Berichte
to thank the really gorgeous women that have worked for us for a long time because they're fun to thank. Beautiful, gorgeous women that run Principle Management. Ellen Darst, thank you very much. Sheila Roche, thank you very much. Ann-Louise Kelly, thank you very much. Keryn Kaplan, thank you very much. Regine Moylett, thank you very much. Beautiful, sexy, sometimes Irish, sometimes American women, thank you. Lots of bodyguards around here. No bigger bodyguards than Jimmy and Doug. Jimmy... [41.38% - 45.5kb]

. Bono zu Gast bei CNN's Larry King - Transcript
thing. This cloth is dyed by women in Mali with mud. It's not dye. Converse went down and bought this fabric from these people. They burst into tears when they realized how much fabric Converse was going to buy. These are for sale in shoe stores and in Gap. And this shows you that people in Africa who are dying of HIV are not just sort of, you know, poverty stricken people who can't do anything. They're artistic people. They've been making this kind of genius stuff for 1,000 years. So, we... [41.38% - 58.0kb]

. Bono für einen Tag Chefredakteur
and fifty thousand men, women, and children every month to Aids, a wholly avoidable disaster, a preventable, treatable disease. Colin Powell describes the tiny little virus HIV as the most lethal weapon of mass destruction on the planet. So forgive us if we expand our strategy to reach the high street, where so many of you live and work. We need to meet you where you are as you shop, as you phone, as you lead your busy, businessy lives. Those of us who campaign on these issues feel we... [27.59% - 30.2kb]

. Bono und Edge in der "Ellen DeGeneres Show"
dem Studiopublikum das Lied Women Of The World Take Over an. Daneben performen Bono und Edge auch noch Vertigo und Love Is Bigger Than Anything In Its Way. Mehrere Videos dazu könnt Ihr Euch unten anschauen. Mit Sternchen (*) gekennzeichneten Verweise sind sogenannte Provision-Links (Affiliate-Links). Wenn du über einen solchen Verweisklick einen Einkauf tätigst, bekommen wir von deinem Einkauf eine Provision. Für dich verändert sich der... [27.59% - 20.8kb]

. Neue Kolumne von Bono in der NY Times
of championing the cause of women and girls living in poverty, who is now determined to revolutionize health and agriculture for the world’s poor. And it looks like the bipartisan coalition in Congress that accomplished so much in global development over the past eight years is still holding amid rancor on pretty much everything else. From a development perspective, you couldn’t dream up a better dream team to pursue peace in this way, to rebrand America.The president said that he considered... [13.79% - 27.7kb]

. U2 History 2008 - Bandgeschichte
auf der Frauenkonferenz 'The Women´s Conference 2008' in Long Beach (Kalifornien) auf. Ende Oktober Die New York Times gibt bekannt, dass Bono im kommenden Jahr regelmäßig als Kolumnist für die Zeitung tätig sein wird. Ungefähr einmal im Monat wird er dann in seinen Kolumnen die Themen Armut, Afrika und die Millennium Entwicklungsziele kommentieren. 26. Oktober Bono und Edge treten gemeinsam Blues Legende B.B. King im Rahmen der jährlichen Thelonious Monk Gala, einem... [13.79% - 33.6kb]

. Bonos zweite Kolumne in der New York Times
your name,” the island women sang, as they swayed in a cut sandstone church. I was overwhelmed by a riot of color, an emotional swell that carried me to sea.Christianity, it turns out, has a rhythm — and it crescendos this time of year. The rumba of Carnival gives way to the slow march of Lent, then to the staccato hymnals of the Easter parade. From revelry to reverie. After 40 days in the desert, sort of ...Carnival — rock stars are good at that.“Carne” is flesh; “Carne-val,” its... [13.79% - 26.6kb]

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