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U2 News » Bono und die Teletubbies!

Ein kurzes Interview mit Bono findet sich auf den Seiten von Orlando Sentinel. Auf die Frage was seine Lieblingsendung im Fernsehen wäre meinte Bono, dass er nicht nur von Oprah sondern auch von den Teletubbies begeistert ist. Bono wurde weiters gebeten einen Kommentar zu Paul McCartney, Eminem und Johnny Cash abzugeben. So meinte Bono über Eminem: "Brilliant lyricist and writer who is in the tradition of Rimbaud and the 15th century murder ballads". Weiters kündigte Bono an, dass U2 bald wieder im Studio sind um am neuen Album zu arbeiten. Das neue Album wird alles bisherige in den Schatten stellen, so Bono.

We know Bono as U2 frontman, AIDS activist and global thinker. But what does he think about his contemporaries and being a star? ON PERFORMING BEFORE 80,000 SCREAMING, ADORING FANS: "People think about performers that it's, 'Love me, love me, love me!' And they're right! No, you can actually be trying to impress just one person in the crowd; a lover, your father, a guy who bullied you in school." BIGGEST MUSICAL INFLUENCE AS A KID: "John Lennon. He taught me the value of a song as placard." PAUL MCCARTNEY: "He writes better tunes and may be the most underrated [Beatle]. Harmonically rich. And it's almost as if he's been elbowed aside, and not taken as seriously, because he's not dead." EMINEM: "Brilliant lyricist and writer who is in the tradition of [the French poet] Rimbaud and the 15th century murder ballads." JOHNNY CASH: "Greatest exponent of murder ballads. I think he's wonderful." FAVORITE TV SHOWS (A TIE): "First, there's Oprah. She is a study as a performer. It's taken me 20 years to lose my self-consciousness. She doesn't seem to have any. . . . Then there's Teletubbies. Psychedelic stuff, with TVs in their bellies. As a person who doesn't trifle with hallucinogens, it's the closest I'll come to Jimi Hendrix." U2'S IMMEDIATE FUTURE: "We'll get back into the studio soon. We're halfway through a record that will burn down all our good works!" (c) James Warren, Chicago Tribune

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