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U2 News » Weltpremiere des Slane Castle TV-Specials

Gestern, am 26. Oktober, hatte das Special U2 Live at Slane Castle in Island TV-Weltpremiere. Wie ein Zuschauer berichtet, handelt es sich um eine 50minütige Show (vom 01. September 2001) die insgesamt neun Songs beinhaltet. Zwischen den einzelnen Songs werden kurze Kommentare von Bono in seiner Garderobe eingeblendet. Aus der U2-Talk Mailingliste: "This concert footage is in my opinion so much better than the Elevation Live in Boston DVD disk..." Wer sich überraschen lassen möchte, sollte jetzt nicht weiterlesen!

U2-Talk Mailinliste via youtwo.net: Just saw the 50 minutes show - U2 Live at Slane Castle on the Icelandic television this evening. Whow! and I thought that Elevation Live in Boston was amazing. This concert footage is in my opinion so much better than the Elevation Live in Boston DVD disk. I'm not sure how to describe it. It just seeme to have even more spirit, soul and energy in it. The band seem to enjoy themselves so much, smiling, joking and laughing, and just giving there hearts out, especially Bono emotional as usual, but now at more personal notes. It included nine songs: Elevation Beautiful Day Stuck in a moment Angel of Harlem Out of Control Where the Streets Have No Name Pride One Walk on Between songs Bono talks in his dressing room alone in front of the mirror of how crap they were the last time they played at Slane Castle many years ago, that he thinks The Edge even throw up, and how he is still saying goodbye at this concert to his father who just had been buried the day before.

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