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U2 News » Samantha Morton in neuem U2 Video?

Wie IRISH ECHO berichtet, soll die britische Schauspielerin Samantha Morton für das Electrical Storm Video engagiert worden sein. "...we heard that U2 has hired actress Samantha Morton to appear in the video for their new single, "Electric Storm." The 25-year-old Morton,...will pose in a series of "sexy and seductive scenes" in the video..." Morton mimt im neuen Spielberg Film 'Minority Report' an der Seite von Tom Cruise.

Morton to act up a 'Storm' in U2 video We certainly hope that the guys in U2 -- all of whom have entered the fortysomething zone -- aren't planning to take their lead from wrinkly rockers like Aerosmith or the Rolling Stones. Those bands have made a point of casting only pretty young models and actresses in their videos. They seem to think makes them look cutting-edge and hip, but really, it just makes them look like they're in danger of breaking a hip. This thought occurred to us recently when we heard that U2 has hired actress Samantha Morton to appear in the video for their new single, "Electric Storm." The 25-year-old Morton, who starred as the main, waterlogged oracle opposite Tom Cruise and Colin Farrell in "Minority Report," will pose in a series of "sexy and seductive scenes" in the video, according to the Sunday World. We think this is fine, as long as they cast Colin as well. Or at least, get Larry Mullen Jr. to show a little skin . . . ©Irish Echo Newspaper Corp.

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