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U2 News » Bono über das Treffen mit Bush

Anfang März hat sich Bono im Weißen Haus eingefunden, um mit dem US-Präsidenten George W. Bush über Aids und Armut in der Dritten Welt, und über die dringend notwendige Entwicklungshilfe seitens der U.S.A., zu diskutieren. Nach dem Treffen mit Bush, stand Bono, in einer Pressekonferenz, den Journalisten Rede und Antwort. Was bis jetzt nur in Auszügen in verschiedenen Artikeln erschienen ist, ist nun auf U2.com vollständig zu lesen.

Hier ein Auszug aus dem längeren Pressekonferenz-Text: Bono: "...Conditions are really, really important to win the argument of increased foreign assistance. But not bureaucratic, stiff IMF-type, micromanaging of other people's economies type conditions. Just smart conditions like good governance, clear and transparent process, and active civil society in a region. If we've got that in place -- and Americans can see where their dollars are going -- they are ready to put their hands in their pocket... ...I'm not talking about the terrorist attack. I'm talking of the dawning on people that this country's name has been tarnished. And I'm a fan of the United States. I love being here. I love to walk into the White House -- of course, I do, I'm an Irishman and I'm proud of being here in the United States. But I think that the way to deal with this lousy PR that you've got is to actually go to these regions and save lives. Because if you're saving the life of somebody, if you arrive with drugs, the anti-retro-viral cocktails that are saving the lives of people's sisters and brothers and cousins, with American ingenuity, I think this problem will be gone... ...I'm here to collect a check, that's what I do. You know? And the check here is for $5 billion. The truth is it's not enough and it's not soon enough. But you know what? The President of the United States doesn't think it is either. And he says he's prepared to write more checks, as long as we can prove to him that we are effective in dealing with poverty in Africa, and dealing with the HIV-AIDS pandemic. So I'm going to be back..." Weitere News dazu: - 15. März 2002

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