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U2 News » Shutsellafield ... Grüße aus Irland

Über 1 Millionen Postkarten sollen am 26. April, dem sechszehnten Jahrestag der Chernobyl-Katastrophe, an Tony Blair, Prince Charles und Norman Askew verschickt werden. 'Shutsellafield' nennt sich die, von Ali Hewson geleitete, Kampangne, die zur Schließung der atomaren Anlage Sellafield aufrufen und zum Umdenken bringen möchte. © 2002 shutsellafield.com Die oben gezeigte Postkarte, gerichtet an Tony Blair, wird an die Haushalte Irlands verteilt, die diese wiederrum weiter verschicken werden. Die Postkarten, die je € 1 kosten, zeigen drei verschiedene Motive. Der Erlös geht dem 'Chernobyl Children's Project' zugute. Ali Hewson: "I’ve always felt strongly opposed to Sellafield. It is 60 miles away from the Irish coast. It is pumping 2 million gallons of radio active liquid waste into the Irish sea every day, making the Irish Sea the most radioactive sea in the world. If an accident happens at the plant, or if there is a terrorist attack, depending on which way the wind blows, Dublin, Dundalk, Drogheda, Belfast, and vast parts of Ireland, would be uninhabitable. Forever." Über den Link gelangt ihr auf die Website der 'Shutsellafield' Kampagne, auf der es umfangreiche Information dazu gibt. Weitere News dazu: - 11. Februar 2002 - 16. März 2002

We want to send over a million postcards to: Tony Blair Prince Charles Norman Askew (head of British Nuclear Fuels) asking them to shut down Sellafield, and we need your help. Every household in Ireland has received one of the postcards to Tony Blair, but we need YOU to do more. Additional Tony Blair postcards, and the postcards for Prince Charles and Norman Askew are on sale NOW. Please buy these postcards for yourself, and for your friends and family. All profits from the sale of these cards will go to the Chernobyl Children's Project, so please buy as many as you can and encourage your friends and family to buy them as well. REMEMBER – all cards must be posted on or by the 19th April 2002. They will all be delivered together by An Post on Friday 26th April, which is the 16th Anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster. The more cards we sell, the more pressure we will put on Tony Blair, Prince Charles and Norman Askew to close Sellafield; the more money we will raise to help the people of Chernobyl.

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