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Lyrics zu American Prayer

Auf sind die Lyrics zum noch unvollendeten Song American Prayer zu lesen. Der Song, den Bono gemeinsam mit Dave Stewart (Eurythmics) geschrieben hat, hatte am Welt-Aids-Tag 01. Dezember, in Lincoln (Nebraska, USA) Premiere, auf Bonos derzeitiger Heart Of America Tour. Bono: "Myself and Dave Stewart of the (rock band) Eurythmics have started on this tune...It's kind of my paean to America, as a fan. ... It's about remembering what's great about this country." He shared the lyrics they've written so far, which borrow a bit from the message written on the Statue of Liberty, with USA TODAY. The song, Bono said, is written by "a person who has rediscovered the poetry of the Declaration of Independence and the taut truth in the Constitution." Weiterhin ist auf USA eine kurze Slideshow (hier klicken) von Bono und Ashley Judd zu sehen. Zu den Lyrics:

Lyrics from American Prayer, a song still being written by Bono and Dave Stewart: American Prayer This is the time to finish what you started. This is no time to dream. This is the room. We can turn off the dark tonight. Maybe then we might see. This is my American Prayer American Prayer. This is the land. The land that keeps your feet from getting wet. And this is the sky over our head. Remember that what you see depends on where you stand. And how you jump will tell you where you're gonna land. This is my American Prayer. American Prayer. Chorus: My oh my, let's not get tired. Let's not kick at the darkness. Let's make the light brighter. These are the hands What are we going to build with them? This is a church you can't see. Give me your tired and poor and huddled masses. You know they're yearning to breathe free.

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